A Witches Story Ch. 05

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“Then an even worse thought struck me. What if I was a human sacrifice and I willing let my self in on it!!! I huddled there in the water filled tomb in terror as the time ticked by. Just as I was starting to convince myself that I was a dead woman and going to horribly drown, I heard clicking at the lock and the clasps being opened. The water resistance made it hard for the girls to open but they got it open. I looked out to see that I was surrounded by six underwater maidens (or really witches) who were swimming naked around my open trunk.”

“Looked up at the surface and started to kick off and swim upwards with them. I rose slowly at first because the air in my lungs was so compressed and not offering very much help but eventually I got about fifteen feet off the bottom and I started to rise a little faster. In spite of this, I still had the dildo clutched in my hand. ”

“It took me a long time to get to the surface and in the last five feet; I needed and accepted the assistance of two of the girls. Breaking the surface I gasped and snorted. I swam slowly to the side and the head witch told me that I had passed this challenge well. She explained that the water in this special pool was forty one feet in the deepest part of the middle and was specially designed to accommodate the trunk and several witches in a circle only eight feet in diameter.”

“I asked how long I had been underwater. She replied that the clock didn’t actually start until the trunk touched down and that had taken about twenty five seconds. Then there was the one minute on the trunk on the bottom and another twenty seconds to get back to the surface. She went on to say that the entire time underwater was on the order of one minute and forty five seconds!”

I watched her pendik escort carefully and asked her if she thought she might panic and drown. She responded that she was on the verge of drowning at several points in the test but she just could not let herself lose out like that. She said that after that test she was ready for anything!

I asked her about the dildo and she just smiled – she said it was in the car.

Katie said, “Did you notice that when you were fucking me underwater that I accepted it and did not fight you even though I needed air pretty badly after two minutes?”

“I am pretty embarrassed to say that I did not realize that it had been that long and I was too wrapped up in my own pleasure”, I responded. “I also watched you and you appeared to be having such a good time that I did not want to bring you up and spoil it.”

She smiled shyly, “I appreciate the fact that you were thinking of me. I love the fact that you instinctively know what a Blue Witch needs and wants.”

I leaned over and took her pretty little head and pushed her underwater again. I spun towards her and swam up on her supine and submerged body. My cock acted like a rudder as it slid up the inside of her right thigh and then was guided by the inside of both thighs into her waiting and perfect pussy.

I stated to fuck her again but to be honest – I wanted to learn more about what SHE could do. I pulled her head up and asked her dripping and smiling face, “Would you be offended if I took a ‘rain check’ on fucking you underwater for a little bit? I really want to hear more of your witch story.”

I pulled her up and spun her around. Again we sat cross legged facing each other and I asked her again to tell me more.

“I was a little shaken after the last escort pendik challenge and to put it bluntly – trick. I told them that and they acknowledged that many had felt that way. I quickly added that I wanted to go on. They head witch told me that I could now ask ANY girl here a question. In fact, if I wanted to, I could ask a question of each one of them in order. The only rules were that I could not ask follow up questions of the same girl twice. She assured me that I could ask opened questions (not merely ‘yes’ or ‘no’) and that the girls were encouraged to elaborate as much as they choose to.”

“I went over to a tall red head (just on her head I needn’t remind you) and asked her the following: Do the benefits of being a Blue Witch outweigh the liabilities? I really did not even know myself what I was getting at but since I had at least fifteen more questions, I decided to stir things up a bit.

She looked a little shocked at the ‘depth’ (no pun intended) of the question and she said enthusiastically, ‘Oh yes!’ She paused for a few seconds remembering that she could go into detail so she continued, ‘first I am part of a very old and loving community of women who know how to get what they want AND take care of themselves. The spiritualism is also wonderful … and well – the sex with boys is on a whole new level.’ She looked at the head witch and said, “I hope I didn’t say too much…’ The head witch said that her answer was perfect.”

“I randomly picked another naked girl with a ponytail and cupcake breasts and asked her if the tests got harder from now on or easier. She considered for a moment and replied, ‘You have not really been involved in a water trial that was anything more than a little swimming and some breath-holding. I would have pendik escort bayan to say that there are three more tests that are several times harder than what you have just gone through. On the other hand, I have no doubt that you will pass them with flying colors.’ This one really provoked me and made me want desperately to ask a follow-up question but I knew the rules. I also vowed to let it drop and not to ask the next girl.”

“I told the head witch that I had only one more question and I wanted to ask it of her. She nodded her head in acceptance. I asked, ‘Judging from what you knew of me before tonight and what you have seen tonight, do YOU think that I would make a good addition to your coven of witches?’ She looked at me for a long time – so long in fact that I was getting a little nervous under her gaze. When she spoke, she addressed the group as much as me. She said, ‘From the past standpoint, we have had our eyes on you for a very long time.

We observed that you are strong both physically and mentally, that you are kind and do not look down upon anyone around you, and that you have a strong sense of adventure. We also have watched you at the school pool and you like the water and swim underwater as well as show power swimming on the surface.

More than one of the girls has seen you rough housing in the pool with various boys and their erections (yes we could see them) demonstrated that you were comfortable with your feminine side. So let’s take tonight. You did not have a fit when we picked you up and you were game for anything including us taking your clothes. You did not shrink with modesty but stood proud. Then she went on to tell me how she judged my responses to the challenges tonight!”

“Your successes at the challenges were outstanding. We have one more to test you with and if you pass that one, you will become part of the Blue Witch Coven. Are you ready for the final and most important test?”

“Yes!” I exclaimed.

To be continued…

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