bang bang of aussie girl

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bang bang of aussie girlThis is not a story but a real life incident.I’m a dark, young, energetic, good looking male of Indian origin living in Queensland, Australia for the last 1 year and studying at Uni. During weekends, I used to sit with my computer and browse a lot. When I’m finished with my assignments, I used to chat online, particularly with middle aged women who were single mums or dissatisfied married women. I found that women here are very horny but broadminded and open to discussions on any subjects.Once while I was searching for a woman to chat with, I stumbled upon Lisa, an Aussie mum of 3 c***dren. She was 38 years old and an average woman, she mentioned. Her husband had left her a couple of months back and she was “looking” for a male who could satisfy her.We chatted for a while and found that we both had a common interest. She wanted to make love to a dark skinned guy as much as I wanted to have sex with a white skinned female. Oh! The thought of my black cock pushing through Lisa’s pink pussy was a turn on for both of us. Well we could’nt wait any longer- so the date and time was fixed. Lisa lived 150 Kms from where I am and hence I had to travel to her town to meet her. She found someone to babysit her k**s for the night and had booked a Motel for me where we would have our fun.I checked into the Motel and texted her on her mobile informing that I had arrived. She asked me to call her on the mobile and I did so immediately. When I first heard her sweet girly voice, I could simply not control the gentle movement inside my pants. If her voice is so sexy, could she be sexier- I thought. She said she will provide dinner to the k**s and put them to sleep, hopefully by around 8 PM. She said she will come to the room by about 8.15 PM. I looked at my watch and it was only 3.30 PM.This long wait is going to be unbearable, I thought.I watched TV for sometime, had a little nap, prepared some tea for myself, again watched TV……I don’t know how time went by but it looked like ages. It was 8 PM finally and my heart started beating faster and louder with every tick. Aussies have a very good sense of timing and are always punctual….yes, even if its sex! At 8.16 PM, there was a gentle knock on my door. My heart skipped a beat, well almost. I was all ready by then, my T shirt and shorts on, well perfumed and smelling good.I opened the door and heard a hello. Lisa stepped in and before even looking at each other in detail, we gave a hug- Aussie style. She was smelling great too.I smiled at her and scanned her from head to toe as she was doing to me. She looked gorgeous to me though being a mother of 3 k**s. She was wearing a white embroidered top with a low v neck and a tight bright red skirt running up to her knees, revealing most of her curves below her navel. I guessed she should be having large sized breasts as they were visibly pushing themself through her loose top. I could’nt take my gaze off her boobs. I had kept some wine ready which I poured for both of us and we sat down to talk. We talked on so many topics for about 20 minutes and it was very interesting. We had another 2 rounds of wine by now and feeling good. Our discussion next centered around our online meeting, websites we view and our sexual interests. I was getting turned on by this subject and could see lust in Lisa’s eyes too. The poor lady had been missing out on a lot in life obviously. I did’nt wait any further. I simply asked her” Lisa you look lovely, can I kiss you please?” Looked like she was just waiting for this move, she turned towards me and smiled. I stretched towards her mouth and kissed her passionately on her soft painted lips, thrusting my tongue into her……I’m going to stop here. If any of you wants to know more about the wonderful time we had together, please email me.

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