The Luckiest Man Alive Ch. 03-04

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Everyone is over eighteen.

Welcome to pornography.

The story that I am writing now, I have no choice but to tell and to tell it honestly, accurately and completely, my story must be pornography.

I was now on paper the slave of my sister the Lady Gaia, heir and scion of the mighty House of Vetronius. But in making me a slave, she had also freed me and so our relationship had become complex. I did not yet understand how complex.

Adding to that complexity in danced Cat — the sexy, relentless, wicked Hibernian pixie — my fellow slave, who in the small hours of the night had so willing given herself to me.

What now, Gaius? What now?

I was then wholly uncertain of my future but I can tell you, gentle readers, come what may — it must be pornography.

Chapter III

Marsday morning arrived far too fucking early. We slaves were up at dawn for exercises and breakfast. The calisthenics were interminable. The food remained plain, simple fair — oatmeal and wheat toast. But there was also black coffee, off-ripe oranges, raisins, cherished little cups of butter and sealed packets of honey. There were worse things to be than (what had Cat called us?) the pampered pets of the highborn. Anyways, after all the fornication, the weed and the workout I was famished so I dug in.

Adonya, both my suite-mate and last night’s playmate, had arrived at the cafeteria ahead of us. She waved us over enthusiastically. She wasn’t alone. She was already sitting together with a cluster of about a dozen other slave girls.

“Look who it is,” she growled, “my favorite pretty boy.”

“Good morning, Miss Adonya,” I said with a bow, before taking a seat.

“You’re right, Donnie, he do sound all proper,” said one of the girls in a rough plebian drawl.

“Don’t be fooled, ladies,” I said to the crowd, “I have been informed by the highest of the highborn that I am both a dangerous death-marked slave and completely improper.”

“That’s alright,” said another one of the other girls I didn’t know, “I likes to get improper myself.”

“Back it down, Becca!” said Donnie genuinely defensively. “I saw him first! Now, pretty boy, let me introduce you to the girls!”

Thus I got to meet a whole raft of other slaves from nearby rooms. They were uniformly friendly and eager to introduce themselves. Cat, Zee, Stella and especially myself were all sufficiently unusual to earn attention and to already obviously be well discussed.

Donnie did the introductions. “This is Becca, Bobby, Babs, Jenny, Julie, the other Jenny, Millie, Maxie, Miranda and…”

This morning I found myself once more a sort of local celebrity. The reason for this attention was simple. I was the only guy in our entire dormitory. Despite the legal formality that I was not, in fact, a man, it seemed I was sufficiently male for these girls.

Here was my situation. The Q was filled to capacity this semester. That meant sixty students on each of the five floors — three hundred of the Empire’s finest, brightest, most entitled young women who came from either money or nobility and usually both. And with them, there were almost twice their number of slaves whose only duty was to serve their ladies. So if you do the math — that means there were just shy of nine hundred young women living in close proximity with just one single solitary dude — me.

The nobles of course had no interest in a lowly slave (except, I hoped, for one). The ladies were free to leave the dorm at their leisure. On campus, there were plenty of guys — rich, hot, titled future husbands galore!

But the slave girls — they were another matter. Most did not enjoy the same cozy relationship with their domina as we in 513 did. In fact, many were treated as little more than a personal grooming appliance tucked away in a corner of the lady’s dorm. Thus these girls were often trapped in the Q for the majority of the day. If they tried to leave without permission, they faced DeeDee’s lash. Yes, they had their chores to keep them busy. But they had near zero prospect of coming into contact with a male person. You know, except for me.

Lest you think my ego too out of control, understand that many of these slave girls also had no interest in me. A noble woman with a lesbian valet was a literary trope for a reason. I had no doubt the majority of these young women needed me like a dolphin needs an umbrella. But there were enough exceptions that this morning, I found myself literally surrounded.

Also, I’m pretty sure that Donnie had spilled to all her friends that I had gone down on her last night. Yeah. That had stayed a secret for less than four hours. I did my best to be sociable and remember all their names. I was only half successful at that last one.

As I pleasantly chatted with these girls and scarfed down oatmeal, it became clear to me that most of the slaves living in the Q had extremely similar stories. They were raised on rural noble estates and had been the chosen servant and companion of their lady since they were children. Peasants give their kids dollies. bahis şirketleri Nobles give their children slaves.

Now they were off to the Collegium to serve their domina and, while perhaps glad to see a bit more of the world, they were also homesick for their absent friends and family. Oh, and they didn’t like DeeDee. The longer they had lived in the Q, the less they liked her.

I liked Donnie’s gang well enough but there was one great barrier to deep friendship between these girls and all the inhabitants of the Lady Gaia’s room — education. Even though we all were over eighteen (a requirement of living in this dorm), most of Donnie’s girls were illiterate or nearly so. Some had never travelled off their home estate even once before coming here. They had lived their entire lives on a farm somewhere in the rural depths of the New Empire.

Don’t misunderstand me. These girls weren’t stupid — you don’t remain the personal valet of a noble lady by being an inattentive idiot. But I was consistently astounded by what they didn’t know. By the end of my first breakfast, I had encountered girls who did not know what province of the Empire they currently resided in. Most seem to barely care about the Empire at all, truth told. The world simply was as it was and they had been assigned their place in it.

This ignorance and apathy was no willful choice. These lowborn young women had simply never been deemed worthy of any sort of schooling. Gods, there were people just like this on my family’s holdings.

In fact, there were thousands.

Until today, I had barely ever spoken with any of them, save to issue commands.


After breakfast, we returned to the room. Today, we actually had to wake up my sleepy sister. She looked so beautiful, angelic, in her repose. Zee made us all a wonderful pot of spicy chai tea. After the bland breakfast fare, it was heavenly. We also shared a round of the brown butter chocolate chip cookies from our suite-mate, the Lady Marcie. They remained just as awesome as they had been two days ago and perfectly complimented the tea. There was one cookie missing and Cat lied and said she’d eaten it yesterday during a snack attack. She had in fact use it to earn Donnie’s help setting up a trade of weed for our new air mattress.

“That’s fine, Cat,” said Gaia, “but don’t take anyone else’s.”

“Of course, domina,” answered Cat. Gods, in only a few days, my sister had become our den mother. It was almost shocking how easily we were all sliding into our assigned roles as domina and slaves.

Once more Gaia and Stella were soon off to a full day of classes and we slaves embarked upon the morning routine. Clean up the room. Open up the balcony and air the dorm out. Help Adonya clean the shared bathroom. Do Gaia’s and our own laundry. I was living the life of a kept domestic. I’d complain but it wouldn’t change a damn thing and this was wildly preferable to my previous stint in prison.

The company wasn’t bad either.

We were done soon enough and that meant once more I was facing long hours of boredom. We had a TV in the room. Immediately after lunch, I foolishly decided to check out what was on.

I pressed the heavy button on Gaia’s top of the line, brand new black and chrome TV and it hummed to life. I turned the nob and found out quick enough via a close circuit splash page that the only programming that was allowed we slaves was the creatively named Slave TV. “STV! All day! Empire wide! Today is a great day!” Please don’t rise up, follow yet another Spartacus to war and try to burn the Empire down!

Okay, that last part, I made up.

Tuning into any other channel required Gaia’s student code punched in on this big heavy black box on top of the TV and, anyways, such viewing was a rules violation if Gaia wasn’t present. Not that I ever saw anyone check.

Regardless, I had tuned in just in time to catch a new episode of the STV daytime drama “His Will, My Heart.” I, being a former bored noble, thought I knew Imperial TV pretty well but I had never even heard of this program. So out of curiosity I watched a thirty minute episode.

Gods, it was pure dreck.

This so-called entertainment was nothing more than equal measures of pro-slavery propaganda mixed with largely soft-core pornography wedded to the thinnest of narratives. The main character, a very attractive young slave girl named Diane (who seemed to bend over and show her very pretty bottom a lot), served Master Jack. The conflict of this episode? Master Jack is going to have a baby with his free wife Jill and Diane is super jealous. Diane, you see, also desperately wants to have Master Jack’s baby.

“Oh, I so want to give my dominus another slave!” proclaimed Diane dreamingly over breakfast. “Oopsie! Clumsy me, I dropped my spoon!”

Butt shot!

And why shouldn’t Master Jack have a baby with her sexy-bottomed self? After all, there is nothing Diane loves more than when Master Jack sneaks into the slave quarters to have sex with her. That silly Diane, hilariously, tries to leave Master Jack hint after hint bahis firmaları that she wants a baby but nothing is working! A pacifier with his morning tea? A diaper tucked into his morning paper? Naked knitting at noon? Master Jack won’t take her wacky hints!

“Oopsie! I got my apron caught on the door knob!”

Ass flash!

She eventually talks to the wiser, older, but still sexy and large breasted Gallic kitchen slave, Miss Mattie, who thankfully sets Diane straight. Our heroine learns an important lesson about how these decisions should always be left to the Master and accepting that makes Diane super happy. Then Jack shows up. He’s figured out all these subtle hints and so bangs Diane right in her pretty bottom. We viewers get a happy ending. But Diane gets no baby.

“For now,” says Master Jack with a twinkle in his eye.

Diane almost faints from joy at this revelation. Oh, to be bred by master! A slave girl’s greatest joy!

Tune in next week, loyal viewers. “Oh, no! I used too much bleach and all my clothes are too small!” cries Diane. “Mattie!”

The show end with a full screen shot of Diane’s bare shapely posterior running to the kitchen for help.

“Well, that was physically fucking painful,” I groaned, turning off the TV.

“Oh, yeah,” said Cat, who had just emerged from the bathroom. “Slave TV totally sucks.”

“You’ve actually watched this rubbish?” I asked.

“I can’t believe you made it through a whole episode,” said Zandra. She was instead lounging on the sofa and reading a fantasy novel taken from Gaia’s bookshelf. Who was the Dominus Anulorum?

“I haven’t seen much,” said Cat with a shrug. “But when you’re broke, even if you’re not a slave, STV is free. ‘All day! Empire wide!’ Oh, And there is porn on STV III after 6:00 pm. If you can get past the repeated political bullshit about how slavery is great, it’s mainly just fucking.”

“This was mainly just fucking!” I said.

“That was implied fucking,” said Cat. “Channel III is actual fucking. The slave who plays Mattie hosts her own show…”

“You know way too much about this, Cat!” said Zee derisively.

“Wait, Channel III? There are three channels of this crap?” I said shaking my head.

“There are five, boyo,” she answered with a laugh. “Channel I, that’s your premiere programming — original series, movies, special events. You watched that one. Channel II is severely edited flicks and slave appropriate news. Total worthless shit. Channel III is soaps and porn. Four is for kids. Five is educational — how to be a good slave!”

“Great,” I said.

“And if they catch a slave watching anything else, guess what you get?” asked Cat.


“Guess again,” she said.

“Kittens, backrubs and free passes to Lord Disney’s Empire of Tomorrow?”

“Oh so close. One more guess,” she said with a giggle.

“Lashes,” I said certainly.

“See! You’ve got this slave thing down,” said Cat.

“So watching TV is a bust,” I said with a sigh. “Anyone want to go for a walk?”

“We need Gaia with us or her leave in writing,” said Zandra, still reading.

“Right. I knew that,” I said with a sigh, “So we’re stuck here till she gets home at 5 p.m.”

“Afraid so,” said Zandra without even looking up from her book.

“I was probably gonna hit the weight room,” said Cat.

Zandra and I both looked at her like she was crazy.

“Ok, then. How about cards?” said Cat producing a deck, almost magically.

“We have nothing to gamble with,” I said miserably.

“It could just be for fun,” Cat shrugged, already starting to shuffle the cards.

“How about answers?” said Zandra, marking and closing her book. “We play for answers. The winner gets to ask a single question to one of the losers and you have to answer truthfully.”

“About anything?” asked Cat.

“Anything,” said Zandra.

“Even sex?” pressed Cat.

“Especially about sex,” answered Zandra with wicked glee.

“I’m in,” said Cat.

Then so was I. We played a few hands of Poker, which was fine, but I much preferred a rummy variant called May I? Really the game didn’t matter. It was all about the prize. Our first few rounds were boring and our questions mundane but then after Cat won again, she turned to Zee and broke the game wide open with, “How did you lose your virginity? I want details!”

“Cat! That’s positively indecent!” said Zandra feigning being shocked. I was getting pretty good at reading my co-conspirator.

“Did we agree on a ‘questions have to be decent’ rule?” I asked sporting a playful smile.

Cat giggled. “Nope!”

“Fine…” said Zandra now genuinely uncomfortable. “But remember, turnabout is fair play! You sure you want to go down this road, Ca…”

“Quit stalling,” interrupted Cat, obviously enjoying Zee’s discomfort.

The once noble lady sighed. “Truth told, there is nothing to tell because… well…”

“Gods, no way! Really?” said Cat. “But… you’re hot!?”

Zandra shrugged, “That’s very sweet of you to say, Cat. I guess I’ve been waiting for the right person.”

“Oh, kaçak bahis siteleri person,” said Cat. “Don’t you meant the right… girl?”

“One question only, kitty cat!” said Zandra sharply, already starting to shuffle the cards.

The next round, I won. “So,” I turned to Cat. “Were you a professional criminal or something before you came here? Drugs, smuggling, lock picking…”

“Who told you I could pick locks?” she said shocked.

“Aha, I knew it!”

“Yeah, yeah, smart boy,” she laughed. “Yes, I know how to pick locks, hotwire cars and how to make do with nothing. But it’s not because I’m a professional criminal or whatever. I just grew up poor in the Empire. My grandfather was a slave who earned his freedom through years of hard work. You got a problem with that?”

I smiled flirtatiously at her. “Obviously not, beautiful.” And I gave her a kiss. Cat stunned me by kissing me right back.

“You were fun last night,” she only sort of whispered, “Now, fucking deal, smart boy!”

And so another round. I dealt. Cat won again.

“This is stupid,” said Zee exasperated. “Cards are stupid! Why can’t I win?!”

Cat ignored her protestations. “Back to sex. What about you, Gaius? I know you’re not a virgin. Tell me about your first time.”

I shrugged. “What counts as sex?”

“Your hot cock sliding into a pussy,” said Cat, provocatively, sporting a wicked grin.

“Ah,” I said trying to keep my cool. “I only managed that a few months ago. Gods, it already feels like years! Angelica. She was a girl I met at a club called ‘Cytherea’s Secret’.”

“I’ve heard of that place,” said Zandra. “It’s the most exclusive night club in downtown Portia City.”

“Swanky,” said Cat.

“Anyways, my step-brother… my former step-brother… Victor took me there. It was exactly what you’re picturing — neon-drenched synthesizer-fueled depravity. I met this girl. After leaving the club, I took her back to my hotel room and we did the deed. Honestly, I don’t remember too much of the details. I was… well…”

“Drunk?” probed Cat.

“High,” I said. “Angelica happened to be in possession of some Columbian snow.”

“So, you were a rich young nobleman getting high on coke and banging a hottie you met at a club,” said Zandra. “That’s how you lost your virginity?”

“When you say it that way, it sounds bad,” I said.

“What it is sounds like is a damn cliché, Gaius,” said Zandra. “Wait, did the drugs lead to your downfall? Are you learning important life lessons even as we speak? Gods, are we all trapped in a very special episode of the Gaius Show!?”

“Not exactly. It wasn’t the drugs that got me. And I have learned absolutely nothing,” I said with a laugh, “Anyways, Cat, it’s your deal.”

That hand, I won once more. My mind swirled with possibilities, but then I became certain what I wanted to know. “So, when did you fall in love with my sister?” I asked Zandra.

Zandra paused, “Really? Gods, why did I ever agree to play this stupid game. I haven’t won once!”

Cat giggled and gently reminded her, “This was actually your idea.” That earned her a sharp look from Zee. It was of course made all the worse by the fact that Cat was right.

I just smiled. Zee wasn’t ducking this one. I slowly repeated the question.

Finally, Zandra sighed in resignation, “Gods, I… I don’t know. I think I’ve been in love with Gaia since I first saw her in 5th grade. It was just a harmless childhood crush back then. I wasn’t even comfortable back then with the fact that I am totally and completely gay. Is that what you were trying to pry out of me… Fine! I am super gay. I am a duly delegated daughter of lesbos, a sister of Sappho, she who wears the comfortable shoes, a carpet muncher, a bull dyke, a butch, whatever…”

“I actually always pegged you for more of a lipstick lesbian than a butch,” said Cat.

“Nobody cares what you think, Catherine! Now, shut up and give me the cards. Gods, give me some fucking jokers!” Zandra’s losing streak was really starting to piss her off.

Cat won again, doing nothing to improve Zee’s mood. Cat immediately turned to me. “So, it’s your turn, smart boy. Are you really in love with your sister?”

“Yes, I love my twin sister deeply, passionately, profoundly…”

“But you want to bone her too, right?” Cat pressed.

“One question, Catherine!” I retorted.

The fact that Cat had pissed both of us off severely enough to resort to her actual name seemed to please her greatly. She again only sort of whispered, “Because you know, you got other prospects these days than your sister…”

I smiled at the horny little pixie. “I think what you’re asking is am I sexually attracted to my own twin sister?”

“Yep,” said Cat.

“Look, I’ve wrestled with this a lot recently and if I’m being honest — yes,” I said firmly, “yes, I am. I know that is, to put it mildly, strange. We look so much alike. I’ve basically fallen in love with my feminine reflection, surely narcissism at its purest. I won’t claim her surpassing beauty isn’t a part of it. Mostly though it is simply this — if I dare, even for a moment, try to imagine my life without Gaia, I am immediately overcome with an unassailable and all-encompassing sorrow. But when she is with me, everything seems better. Is that so weird?”

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